• lukepathdev@gmail.com

Buy Apple Developer Account

Buy Apple Developer Account

We buy apple developer account which contains enterprise program membership, $20K.

IOS development has been developed for several years. One of the essential things before the development of IOS is to apply buy an apple developer account.

After applying for the developer account, you can enter the developer center to download the Xcode compiler, and configure the developer certificate for real machine test to debug the project.

After the application is developed, the project can be packaged and released to the AppStore, and these steps require to buy apple developer account.

There are several types of developer accounts, so how to distinguish and choose the one that is right for you or your company is an important issue.

The following will be a detailed account of the relevant knowledge.

There is not much difference between personal and corporate accounts, but the main difference is the number of developers.

Another problem is that if an App is published from a personal account, the App Store developer's location will show the developer's name, while the company account will show the company's name, which is now the case for apps on the App Store.

Enterprise accounts are special in that the published package can be installed on any device, but not on the App Store.

Generally, some internal applications use to buy apple developer account, and you can develop what you want without worrying about Apple's review mechanism.

Another difference between the enterprise account and the $99 account is that since the enterprise account is not released to the App Store, updates to the App are made directly.

It avoids Apple's wait for approval, though Apple's review time is now much shorter.

Enterprise account also has a use, is some XX assistant and other applications to download down, are generally the enterprise account dozen package.

These XX Helper platforms decompiled native IPA packages for certain purposes and then repackaged through enterprise accounts.

Education account is a special account launched by Apple. This account is mainly for college students and is used for college students to carry out Apple-related development.

To buy apple developer account or do not want to, Apple is still very strict to the approval of this piece.

Package Release Comparison

For real machine testing or release online, the developer account application certificate and configuration description file are required.

I won't talk about the certificate and description files here, they are almost the same. For more details, I have written about them in my previous article.

Here I will focus on the differences between different Xcode packaging methods and how different apple developer account types affect packaging methods.

When Xcode is packaged, the following four options typically appear.

Save for iOS App Store DeploymentSign and package application for distribution in the iOS App Store.

Packaged with a release certificate, the packaged IPA can be published to the App Store.

Save for Ad Hoc DeploymentSign and package application for Ad Hoc distribution outside the iOS App Store.

Packed with a release certificate, the packaged IPA can be used for real machine testing. The Device scope is the Device with the Device ID added, but it can not be published to the App Store.

Save for Enterprise Deployment (In-House)Sign and buy apple developer account package application for enterprise distribution outside the IOS App Store.

Enterprise account packaging, packaged IPA can be installed on any device, but can not be published to the App Store.

Save for Development DeploymentSign and package application for development distribution outside the IOS App Store.

Packed with a test certificate, the packaged IPA can be tested on the real machine. The Device scope is the Device with the Device ID added, but it can not be published to the App Store.

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